5 Principles for Health and Wellness
The Brain Health Blog by Dr. Brent Furnish
The Brain Blog #3: Learning About Chiropractic Neurology & The Brain (Health and Wellness)
- Brain and body health and wellness are your responsibility. It is not the doctors, hospitals, dear spouses, insurance companies for the government job to keep you healthy and well. Is up to you. We suffer from chronic diseases and health issues that are too often the result of poor habits, lack of knowledge and poor doctor choices. The choices you make today will determine the health and wellness you have tomorrow.
- Stay active. (Exercise) if you’re looking for the fountain of youth, look no farther than a pair of sneakers in your closet or the closest fitness center. A daily “dose” a 15 to 20 minutes of moderately intense exercise will go a long way towards keeping you healthy as you age.
- You are what you eat. (food is medicine) diets high in process saturated fats and refined sugars provide lots of calories and little nutrition. Managing your plate in four quadrants, three of them should be filled with colorful fruits and vegetables. This is a simple but very important image to maintain weather you’re at home or eating out. Neurochemical research leans towards a low carbohydrate, low gluten, moderate protein and high in good fats diet.
- Stop smoking, drinking alcohol and overmedicating. Prescription drugs are the number one health and wellness destroyer. If you are on medication, you are sick. Healthy and well people do not take medication. You do not take medication to stay healthy and well. Think about it. When you were a child you were not given medication unless you were sick (had symptoms). You do not continue to take medication after the symptoms subdue. My personal observations over the past 36 years of practice are that the sickest patients are the ones who have taking the most medication and/or had the most surgeries.
- Keep a Wellness/Healthy emotional outlook on life. Life has ups and downs for all of us, but how we react to adversity influences not only our own psychological health but also the quality of life of those who live and work with us. It’s like grandma Moses said: “Life is what we make-always has been, always will be.”
“What’s popular is not always right and what’s right is not always popular”